Debunking 5 Myths of Montessori

geography pageimageWhen parents hear the term Montessori they normally have some idea of what it means or what Montessori Education is about. However, all too often, many parents develop misconceptions about the method when receiving information handed down from sources outside their Montessori school. This may be why many myths regarding the method arise. Continue reading

Foster independence in your child

four-seasons-montessori-fostering-independenceIt is sometimes difficult to allow your child to make the mistakes it takes to master a task at hand. All too often it is more work to clean up after your child has “helped” rather than just doing the task yourself. However, it is important to do your best to let your child try and complete any activity they are engaged in. Children have the will; it’s just the skill that’s needs improvement.  By disrupting your child’s work you may inadvertently give them the signal that they are not good enough. Positive self esteem and independent thought are nurtured by positive experiences to actions in the child’s world.   Continue reading